Eisenzeit - Computertime

25. Mai – 8. Sept 2013

3rd Sculpture Biennale

Guido Magnaguagno

The 3rd Sculpture Biennale brought together works by 26 artists who dealt with sculptural creation, i.e. sculptural bodies in space. They spanned the temporal arc from the Iron Age to the present, which is characterised by digitalisation, among other things. The Iron Age does not refer to the early days of cultural history, but to the heyday of Swiss iron sculpture in the 1960s and spans the arc into the virtual age.

The focus was on the materials and techniques used and thus on the immanent conditions they offer in terms of form and content. The exhibition course, which stretches through the idyllic landscape of the Weiertal, is an obstacle course: through artefacts created by human hands, tools and machine technology.

Roman Signer, Blaues Fass Leiter und Gummistiefel, 2012,

Maurizio Nannucci, what to say, what not to say, 2012

Pascal Kohtz, zzzz...zzzz, 2013, kinetic installation, aluminum, steel, pneumatics, sensors, wood, compressor, paint, rubber, earth

Carl Bucher, Erstarrt I, 1980, solidified lava

Jeremie Crettol, Two is One / Hembra y Macho, 2013, Marmo di Carrara

Vincenzo Baviera, Augen der Landschaft, 2013, Boiler plate, steel, bitumen, anti-rust paint

Victorine Müller, In der Birke, 2013, PVC, welded

Richard Deacon, Alphabet M, 2013, stainless steal, powder coated

Bob Gramsma, deep surface, OI#12166, 2012, polymer plaster, glass fiber

Christopher T. Hunziker, Small Labyrinth, 2013, CNC milled 3-layer panels with steel rings

HR Giger, Guardian Angel (Carmen), 1997, Polyester

Glaser/Kunz, Aton & Amen, 2010/2011, Cinematographic Sculpture, 2 Talking Heads, sound: 2-channels


Vincenzo Baviera, Carl Bucher, Pasquale Ciuccio, Jérémie Crettol, Richard Deacon, Jean-Marc Gaillard, Heinrich Gartentor, HR Giger, Glaser/Kunz, Sabina Gnädinger, Bob Gramsma, Nesa Gschwend, Christopher T. Hunziker, Pascal Kohtz, Vivi Linnemann, Basil Luginbühl, Mickry3, Victorine Müller, Maurizio Nannucci, Pavel Schmidt, Martin Schwarz, Roman Signer, Maya Vonmoos, Paul Wiedmer, Philippe Winninger, Sieglinde Wittwer